How To: Haircut Using Machine Cutters

In this tutorial, we will show you an easy haircut using machine cutters.


Greetings. I am Maryam Ebrahimpour. I am a hairstyle, chignon, and braiding expert and instructor. I am here from with another haircut tutorial.

This style can be categorized as a Tai Chi haircut. You can use scissors or a machine cutter to cut the hair. In this tutorial, I will use a machine to show you how easily you can get it done. Separate a layer from the side of the head, in front of the ear. Hold the hair in a 90-degree angle and start cutting. I have separated the hair on the side of the ear and will continue this separation in a semicircle to the back of the head, behind the ears.

Let’s use the previous layers as a guide. Hold a layer of hair in your hand and start cutting. Some of the hair on the top of the head remains. I will separate a layer and start cutting diagonally. Some of the hair in the front and on the side remains. I will separate the hair in the front, put it away, and work on the side by separating a layer and cutting diagonally according to the previous layers as a guide in a 30-degree angle.

Separate a layer from the front, separate it into two sections. Put one section away and cut the other one. Hold the hair in a 30-degree angle and cut diagonally. We have to take the hair in the front and connect it to the rest of the layers diagonally.

This concludes our tutorial. I hope you have enjoyed this video. Until next time, goodbye.

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