How To: Dyeing White Hair

In this tutorial, we want to cover a few rules for when it comes to dyeing white hair. We will talk about the fundamental reasons that cause hair to turn white and the structure of the hair. This video was provided by Mrs. Anousha Shafi’e.


Greetings. Today we want to cover a few rules for when it comes to dyeing white hair. We want to talk about the fundamental reason that causes hair to turn white and the structure of the hair.

Some of our viewers might be people who like to dye their hair themselves at home, women who have gone through an elementary hairstyling course, or those colleagues who are active in the business but still have problems. We want to know why hair turns white and how to cover the whiteness better.

This is an NF hair dye. As you can see, the type of dye is denoted in two ways. It says NF5 or 6.00. The two zeros after the point show that the color is a base one and has more potency. There are three main colors in nature, which also exist in our hair. Women with blond hair have a larger number of yellow pigments in their hair. Those with wine or red color, have more red pigments. Those with dark hair, have a larger number of blue pigments in their hair.

These pigments could exist in integration or separately inside our hair and will disappear after almost thirty to thirty-five years. We can use a chemical compound to shock the hair. It’s often asked whether we have to use a chemical compound to shock the hair and how to make the right mix or if they should buy it from a pharmacy. All who work with formula and want to be a hairstylist or dye their own hair must know this mixture. It consists of one cup decoloring powder, twenty-five cubic centimeters of oxidant, and twenty-five cubic centimeters of baby shampoo. Mix the compound thoroughly, apply it to the hair, wait a few minutes, rinse the hair and dry it, and then start applying the dye to the hair starting in the front of the head.

The strand of hair is made of a few parts. There’s the superficial tissue covering the surface of the hair strand and is called the cuticle and looks like fish scales. The second part that forms more than ninety percent of the hair is a fluid called the hair cortex. Constant blow drying and ironing the hair can exhaust this fluid and damage the hair, make it fragile and even cause hair leprosy. The third part is the hair pigments, which float in the cortex fluid. The fourth part is the Medulla, which is the tube that takes the nutrients through the hair from the root to the end of the hair stem.

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