
Hi everyone! we are going to implant nails with a new method in Faranak Salon.

The new method is PhiBrows.

For starting the implant we have done the foundation.

We have done the manicure
now we start implanting
there are some fibers in the market
take the fiber as much as you need for the nails to be lengthen
according to the customer`s taste.

Then we stick it on the nail
I cut the size I need for the height of the nail
you can use glue or gel to stick the fiber to the nail
it depends on the implant, if you use powder you can use glue and if you use gel you can take advantage of gel to stick the fiber.

This new method is the most recent implant
it looks natural and it is very strong.

We put it in the device for 20 seconds
as you see the fiber is dry and we start implanting
apply antifungal and then primer
after that, we apply a thin layer of materials of the fiber
so that the fiber could be formed strongly and do the drawing that we want on it
in this step, I draw the nail based on what customer has selected and then we continue
I fix my drawing around the nail by black gel.

Then put it in the device for 20 seconds to dry the gel
in order to fix my drawing I use materials again.

For finalizing the implant we apply base gel.

Then use the device for 20 seconds.

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