How To: Fast & Easy Facial Makeup

In this brief tutorial, you can learn very fast and easy facial makeup.


This tutorial aims to show you easy facial makeup. Noghre Negar Beauty Salon has provided us with this video.

First, use a moisturizing cream to apply the foundation for your makeup. This will help keep the skin moisturized. Next, add a suitable cream powder based on the color of the client’s skin and use a pad to fade it.

Next, apply contouring techniques by using darker shades on bulging areas of the face and lighter shades around them. Now fade these shades together to hide the lines between them.

Continue applying makeup to the eyes, eyebrows, and lips. You can watch the full steps to this procedure in this video. To join our classes over at Noghre Negar Beauty Salon, please contact us at the numbers provided in the description.

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