How To: Durable Lip Makeup

In this brief video, you’ll learn the correct way of applying lipstick and lip foundation using Grimas products. To call our academic center, please contact , and to order Grimas products please call us at .


In this brief tutorial, we want to talk to you about laying your lip makeup foundation and using lipsticks.

To lay your lip makeup foundation, you’ll need rouge eyeshadow, cleansing lotion, and a brush from the IMR family. Use your spatula to scratch a small amount of your rouge eyeshadow, and mix it with some cleansing lotion on your palette. This mixture is used to draw your lip liner and lip foundation.

After applying your lip liner and lip foundation, wait until it’s a little dry and then use your preferred lipstick color and use an SL6 brush to apply it to your lips. To fix your lipstick, you need a brush and fixing powder. Put a tissue on your lips and use your brush to apply some fixing powder to the lips by brushing on the tissue. Wait a few moments and then remove the tissue. The result is an opaque and durable lipstick.

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