How To: Bleaching Hair Without Foil Wraps

In this brief tutorial, we will talk about highlighting natural hair using a fast and easy technique. This tutorial was provided by Ostoure Beauty Institute. To join our classes, please contact us at .


Greetings. I am Anousha Shafi’e. I am here today with another tutorial. The technique I want to show you today is very easy and fast. In this technique, it is much better if the client does not have very long hair and it suits curly hair even better.

First, brush the hair to straighten it completely and then start teasing all the hair. I should point out that in the end, you will have a mild highlight. Therefore, if the client is asking for a platinum blond, gray, olive, or ash highlight, you cannot use this technique. This is suitable for people with natural hair who want to have a gentle highlight or those who have dyed their hair and do not want the highlight to differ strongly with the current color of the hair and just three or fewer degrees of difference in color.

Separate a layer of hair and tease it. You should tease all the hair layers like this. After the hair layer is so thin that the brush cannot tease the remaining hair, you should use your hands and pull all the hair layers towards the root. After teasing all the hair layers, you should wear gloves, smear your hands in the hair product and start applying it to the hair by grabbing the hair with your hands. Apply some of the bleaching product to your hands. You can use colored decoloring products as well. For example, here we can use a red or purple powder, but here I am using a white bleaching powder mixed with organic oxidant.

Grab the hair layers with your hands like this. If you grab the hair deeper, the bleaching product will go deeper into the hair and closer to the roots but if you only touch the surface of the hair, the product will not reach the deeper layers of hair. After reaching the degree of bleach, you have in mind, which is usually only three or four degrees lighter, since you cannot re-apply the material to the hair, you should rinse the hair and then apply a hair mask to brush and straighten the hair again.

If you are using colored bleaching material, you will not need to dye the hair, but if you are using white bleaching powders, you can apply your dye after rinsing the hair. You should mix your dyeing material with oxidant 0.5 to prevent dying the rest of the hair. After the allotted time has passed, you should wash and rinse the hair and use a hair mask as well. I recorded this tutorial for those of you who had requested it after watching a live process on my Instagram account and asked for a complete tutorial. It is a beautiful dye and takes very little time.

We have classes for beginners to explain the whole process of working with hair formulas, three-day classes for the more experienced colleges who want to sharpen their skills, and one-day workshops. Until next time, goodbye.

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