How To: Effortless & Heatless Hair Perming

If your hair comes into direct contact with too much heat frequently, it will be a lot more likely to get serious damages in the long run. However, if you are under the impression that there’s no way of perming hair without using heat, we do suggest watching this tutorial in which 11 heatless efficient methods are introduced for hair perming.


Hello everyone, welcome to Rojelab website. Today we're gonna show you how to perm your hair without using heat. To have this type of bridal perm, you need to first braid your hair in French style. and leave it on for one whole night. spiral perm. This style is a suitable alternative to the previous one, especially for those who don't know how to braid hair. grab two thin sections of hair and start to twist them together. but remember that for spiral perm, each section must be twisted itself before twisting it around the other section. secure the plait end with a plastic band. and then bring it over to the front part of your head. spot perm. to have this type of perm, take a thin section and twist it around itself and leave it on for one night. pin curl perm. wrap a section of hair around your finger, but remember to wrap it evenly. otherwise, it will get entangled.

Take your finger out gently after you've done wrapping. and secure it in place using hairpin. once it's untied, you have these large pretty curls. sponge rod perm. This easy style only needs a hair rod. I'll use a sponge hair rod. wrap the section evenly around the rod and secure it in place. This method gives you dense tiny curls, however, the bigger the rod is, the bigger curls you will get. spiral sponge rod perm. It has almost the same process as the previous style, but in this one, you must twist the hair section around itself before wrapping it around the rod. straw curl perm. grab a section and wrap it evenly around the straw rolling from one end to another, you can put several straws together to get bigger curls.

After you've wrapped the section, bend the ends of the straw up and secure it with a pin or band. spiral straw curl perm. again repeat the previous process, but remember to twist the section around before wrapping it around the straw. Flexible rods curl perm. This rod comes in various sizes, you can choose one depending on the type of curl desired. wrap the section around the rod, then tie the ends of the rod together. Spiral flexi rod curl perm. This too is done like the previous one, but again you must first twist the section around itself, then around the rod. and finally tie the ends of the rod together. Sock curl perm. in this method which is my favorite one, the hair section is wrapped around a sock or piece of cloth. tie the ends of the cloth after you've done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Stay tuned for next iteMs.

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