How To: Proper Way of Hair Dying

At the first glance, hair dying might sound like an easy task. While contrary to popular belief, it should not be underestimated at all. As many might be aware, if you just go ahead and start dying hair without having sufficient information and skill, the result turns out to be pretty far from what you had expected. The hair in fact, won't appear to be of a uniform colour. Actually, the hair will have different colour intensities in different parts of the head. Therefore, we recommend watching this tutorial to learn dying hair properly so that such problems will be avoided. During this tutorial, you will be familiar with hair division techniques, how to use hair elastic for parting hair and hair dying instruments.


Hello and welcome to Rojelab website. Today, you will learn how to dye hair properly and achieve a uniformly coloured hair. To get started, use the comb end to separate sections of hair from the sides and the back. gather the separated sections on the top and use a clip to hold them all in place in a pile. start rubbing the brush down on the hair right from where you separated the sections. after covering the tops of the layers, continue dying all the way down the hair ends. now start grabbing and dying small sections from the top. Thanks a bunch for watching.

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