How To: Short Updo With Twisted Side Sweep

Many people think that styling in short hair is a very difficult task, but it’s not true. You can also make many different hairstyles even in shorter lengths. Today you will learn a simple chignon style in which a side swept layer is applied.
What you will watch includes:
Trimming hair to a uniform length
Hair sectioning
Hair lines formation
How to backcomb the sections
How to use the hair crimping iron (Babyliss)


Hello and welcome, Today we're gonna show you a simple side sweep chignon. It's an easy-to-do style and is good to try for sensational events. first, comb and straighten the hair layer and trim the ends to be a uniform length. separate a section in the middle and tie in the back with a clip. gather the layer in the bottom together and secure with an elastic to make a small ponytail. twist the ponytail and clip it to the head with a pin. loosen the sections you had pinned away and start brushing. grab different sections and backcomb while holding them upright. try to make a parting in the left. apply some hairspray, then continue to section the hair as you will see.

A bobby pin is pushed through the section into the hair to keep it in place. do the same sectioning on the other side. use the babyliss to crimp the strands in the front. in the last step, spray is added to the strands to fix them in place. hope you've enjoyed watching this tutorial.

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