How To: Clearing Acne & Boils Using Homemad Mask

If you are looking for a homemade mask to remedy acne or boils, keep watching this video provided by


Greetings. I’m Dorsa from I’m here with another video from our homemade mask series. Today I want to teach you about a very effective mask for acne and boils using oranges.

Since orange contains folic acid, calcium and large amounts of vitamin C, it’s great for skin. The citric acid in orange helps your skin keep its natural firmness.

Now let me tell you what we need to make our mask. We need one orange
We’re going to use its juice. We need some yogurt and some flour. Let me split my orange, extract the juice, and mix it with one spoon yogurt. Now let’s mix our ingredients and add our flour in small portions. You should get a rather firm mix. You have to use your hand to apply this mask. Some masks can’t be applied using a brush. This mask is too firm for you to be able to apply it with a brush.

Apply your flour in small portions so you don’t get a very hard mixture. The mixture now looks like strained yogurt, which is perfect for us. I’ll use my hand to apply since it’s easier. Apply it across the face expect around the eyes.

I’ve applied the mask across my face. I’ll give it twenty to thirty minutes to be absorbed by my skin. I’ll rinse my face using lukewarm water when the mask is a little dry. I’ll come back to show you the results.

I’ve rinsed my face. As you can see my skin looks brighter and I even feel it’s much smoother than before. Even though I didn’t have acne or boils on my face, the yogurt in the mask made my skin smoother.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Please tell us what you think. Until next time and another homemade mask, goodbye.

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