In this video from, we will teach you how to make your own homemade facemask for oily skin, using yogurt, apples, and yeast.
Greetings everyone. I am Dorsa from and today I want to teach you how to make your own facemask for oily skin and to treat acne.
We need apples for our facemask. I cooked my apple and mashed half of it. You can just put your apple inside a pot and let it cook with some water. We also need a little yogurt and some yeast. You can purchase some yeast in the form of powder or pills from any organic pharmacologist. If you purchased pills, one would be enough, and if you were using powders, one teas spoon would suffice.
Let me tell you a little about the benefits of yeast. Yeast is a very powerful anti-bacterial and very beneficial for people with acne or pimple because it can sterilize your skin and if you add some yogurt to it, you will have a great mix since yogurt is a natural pain reliever. In addition, while the yeast is getting rid of all the bacteria on your skin, the yogurt will provide the much-needed moisture to your skin.
Apple lightens, clears the skin, hydrates it, slows the aging process, and reduces wrinkles. Apple contains UVB particles, acts as a natural sunscreen and can be used to treat sunburn as well. I mashed half of my cooked apple. Let’s add two teaspoons of yogurt to it, one teaspoon yeast and then mix them together. If the mixture is too pasty and cannot apply it to your skin, you can add a bit more yogurt. You will get a mixture like this. I recommend using facemasks like this while laying down to prevent it from dripping. Now let’s apply it to your face using a brush.
If you do not want little pieces of apple on your face as I have here, you can blend your apple with an electric blender. Let it remain on your skin for five to ten minutes and then wash it off. I washed my face. Use this mask once or twice a week to get the best result possible. I hope you have enjoyed this video. Until next time, goodbye.